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Cryptoknowmics 2022-03-22 07:00:55

What is Komodo (KMD)?

Komodo (KMD) is a decentralized, open-source end-to-end blockchain and cryptocurrency platform that allows developers from any industry to perform transactions anonymously. Its secure ecosystem is cheaper than Bitcoin, so it attracts small businesses and start-ups at an affordable price. In 2014, an unknown organization led by someone going by the alias JL777 forked Zcash to create the Komodo platform. Komodo is a fresh addition to the enormous cryptocurrency market. It was created to help blockchain entrepreneurs and typical crypto investors. As a result, the community has made a hopeful and enthusiastic gesture. And we do business in a secure environment. What is a Komodo coin? Komodo Coin, often known as Komodo (KMD), is a privacy-focused decentralized cryptocurrency that promises to be safer, faster, and easier to use thanks to its own ecosystem. It is said to combine Bitcoin’s security and Zcash’s anonymity. It works on the basis of Deferred Proof of Work. Komodo is a revolution The Delayed Proof of Work (dPoW) technology is used in Komodo blockchain systems. This is an example of zero-knowledge proof in action. Below is a more detailed explanation – ZCash – It is a cryptocurrency that operates on the zk-SNARK technology. This zero-knowledge proof ensures that any cryptocurrency’s privacy, anonymity, and fungibility are preserved. Komodo also employs this protocol for private transactions. Delayed Proof of Work (dPOW) – T...

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