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NewsBTC 2022-04-06 08:41:07

Krew Studios Announces New Digital NFT Collaboration – Pastel World

Web3 venture Krew Studios has announced the follow-up to its Masks NFT collection. While that particular release was the work of Spanish actor turned artist Jordi Mollà, the latest drop – dubbed Pastel World – is a collaborative effort between recording artist JVCKJ and animator Uriah Barrett-Thomas. “Pastel World is a hugely exciting collection, one that leverages the considerable creative talents of two supremely gifted artists,” says Krew’s co-founder Rambino, who revealed that the project was six months in the making. “What JVCKJ and Uriah have produced builds on the success of Masks while offering something completely different to what is currently out there in the NFT space.” Presenting Pastel PFPs Pastel World features 8,888 generative PFPs known as Pastel Prophets, and a detailed backstory has been written to offer NFT collectors an insight into where the anime-like characters hail from. In a nutshell, these colorful prophet avatars have been forced to abandon their native planet in the faraway Pastel Galaxy after it becomes uninhabitable. All Prophets are equipped with magical backpacks that represent enchanted life forms that must be nurtured to ensure the avatars’ survival. “Pastel World is unique because in order to survive and thrive, Pastel holders must be in a constant state of ongoing growth and self-discovery,” explains Los Angeles based musician JVCKJ. “We start life at birth, and throughout each of our vibra...

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