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NewsBTC 2022-06-08 06:00:33

The Metaverse industry continues to struggle while $NXTT continues its rally

The crypto market has been facing a rough time over the past few months. The majority of assets have been in a bearish trend, following the broader market sentiment. Some have managed to weather the storm better than others. Let’s compare and contrast the two digital assets, $SAND and $NXTT. Comparing Performance The Sandbox ($SAND) has been one of the hardest-hit tokens amidst this crypto downturn. The Sandbox, a gaming project that aims to create a blockchain-based virtual world, has seen its token price drop from $6 at the start of the year to under $1.30, as of writing, representing a nearly 80% loss. Meanwhile, $NXTT, the token behind Next Earth, has maintained relative stability throughout the bear market and is down just around 38% year-to-date. NXTT launched at around $0.001 in late January, and now sits at around $0.0034, and was recently at $0.004. In the meantime, many other altcoins, particularly small-cap altcoins and ICO tokens, have seen their prices plummet by 80% or more. So, while $NXTT is down from its peak, it’s actually one of the better-performing altcoins in this market downturn. Comparing The Projects On the surface, both The Sandbox and Next Earth have a lot in common. Both are projects that are focusing on building a virtual world on the blockchain. However, that’s where the similarity ends. The Sandbox is focused on user-generated content and gaming experiences. Next Earth, on the other h...

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