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Cryptoknowmics 2022-06-09 02:41:01

Jupiter Technical Analysis: Bulls Charge by 43.32%

Key Technical Points Jupiter is bullish Bollinger bands show a bullish momentum The RSI is at 53.35 Jup Past Performance In the last 24 hrs, Jupiter (JUP) was up by 43.32%. This charge by the bulls came on the back of strong fundamentals and technical indicators. The price has traded as low as $0.004084 and as high as $0.006115 in the last 24hrs. The trading volume is $1,650,331 and the market capitalization is $5,623,570. Source: Trading view Jupiter Technical Analysis Jupiter is currently trading at a price of $0.00562. The price has found strong support at $0.005 and is currently trading above this level. The next major support level is at $0.004. The RSI is at 53.48 and is currently showing no signs of overbought or oversold conditions. While the MACD line is crossing over the signal line indicating a bullish trend in the market. The Bollinger bands are currently in a squeeze which indicates low market volatility. Overall, the technical indicators are signaling a bullish trend in the market and we can expect the prices to move higher in the near future. The price has broken out of the descending triangle pattern and looks poised to move higher in the near term. The next major resistance level is at $0.0075. JUP Upcoming Trend The technical indicators are giving bullish signals and the fundamentals remain strong. The price is expected to continue its upward trend in the short-term and medium-term. The next immediate support...

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