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NewsBTC 2022-06-13 06:52:35

NFT Metaverse Pastel World Pushing Art and Tech Boundaries Despite Bear Market

Web3 venture Krew Studios has released further details about its much-hyped NFT avatar project Pastel World, both in a lengthy Twitter thread and freshly-updated litepaper. The startup, which was behind the smash-hit NFT collection MASKS from actor/artist Jordi Mollà, describes Pastel World as the “most ambitious project released by the Krew Universe to date,” one whose multi-chain model will “pave the way for future collaborations” with emerging crypto communities. Manga Meets Metaverse Pastel World is the brainchild of singer-songwriter JVCKJ, formerly one half of multi-platinum pop pair Jack & Jack, and London-based illustrator Uriah Barrett-Thomas. An NFT/PFP collection in the mould of CryptoPunks, but with more utility, the series features authentic manga art and follows a fantastical storyline which ostensibly doubles as the project’s roadmap. In a nutshell, each tokenized avatar is a “Prophet” journeying through space and time equipped only with a magical backpack, an enchanted item that must be nurtured to ensure survival in Pastel World. In due course, the metadata for each NFT will refresh, causing a gem to appear on Prophets’ backpacks – a precious stone that determines which ‘zone’ each character must inhabit. Moreover, each customizable element of the NFTs will play a part in the continued narrative. To quote the aforementioned tweet thread, “The creativity that infuses the lore filters down to the planetary e...

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