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NewsBTC 2022-06-30 20:00:20

Stratis (STRAX) Soars 200% From June Low On Sky Dream Mall Launch

After the news of the launch of the Sky Dream Mall metaverse and Stratis GBP stablecoin, the price of STRAX increased by 200% from its low of $0.365 on June 15 to its high of $1.20 on June 29, according to data from coinmarketcap. The price dropped the next day and is currently trading at $1.09, although it is still up from its low. The record high for STRAX was $22.77 on January 8, 2018, more than four years ago. However, the coin’s record low was $0.011 on August 12, 2016, approximately six years ago. Related Reading | Bitcoin Slides Under $20K – Another Collapse In The Offing? In spite of the overall market downturn, per the CoinGecko information, Stratis, a blockchain-as-a-service platform, witnessed a notable gain in volume. And among STRAX, Numeraire (NMR) is another coin that shows a notable gain of 201.1% in the seven-day chart. NMR is an Ethereum token that fuels Numerai (a San Francisco-based hedge fund). Since Stratis has a comparatively strong growth momentum and increased by more than 140.9% over seven days, it is defying expectations in the current bear market. The term “bear market” so refers to a market where commodities or securities’ values are consistently decreasing. Reasons Behind STRAX Price Spike This Week Currently, two of the factors are driving the increase in STRAX’s price this week. The first is the Stratis GBP stablecoin announcement, and the second is the Sky Dre...

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