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Cryptoknowmics 2022-07-13 19:10:50

Komodo Technical Analysis: Rallies 110%, Buyers Targeting April 2022 Highs

Komodo crypto prices are firmly in an uptrend, adding 110 percent versus the USDT. At this pace, KMD may retest April 2022 highs in a bullish continuation pattern. Past Performance of Komodo Komodo coin prices have more than doubled on the last trading day, surging 110 percent versus the USDT when writing. At this pace, the KMD crypto is outperforming BTC and ETH, rallying as the broader crypto market dump. From the candlestick arrangement in the daily chart, the primary support, previous resistance, is at $0.27, and bulls are squarely in control. Komodo Technical Analysis The bullish engulfing bar of July 13 has comparatively high trading volumes as Komodo token prices resume the uptrend. As per the formation in the daily chart, traders can look for entries in lower time frames above $0.27 and July 3 and 12 highs of $0.34 if prices pull back from spot rates. As KMD coin prices bottom up from 2022 lows, the immediate target is at $0.66, flashing with April 2022 highs. What to Expect from KMD? From the Komodo technical analysis, buyers are in charge, confirming gains of July 3 and 12. Since today’s bar is with rising trading volumes and engulfing, traders can load the dips, targeting April 2022 highs. Any contraction below $0.44 may slow down demand, forcing KMD prices back to this week’s lows.The post Komodo Technical Analysis: Rallies 110%, Buyers Targeting April 2022 Highs appeared first on Cryptoknowmics-Crypto News and Media Platform.

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