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Crypto Daily 2023-06-14 14:45:00

Centralized exchanges Binance coin and OKB in the red as decentralized exchanges Tradecurve price surges 50%

Centralized exchanges are under attack by the SEC, and the market is beginning to see a huge decline as it has fallen to the red zone. Worried investors are looking for alternatives options, and after the dip of Binance coin and OKB they have turned their attention to decentralized exchanges like Tradecurve. Today, we will uncover what this project does right in order to appeal to so many investors, as its price has already surged by 50%. >>BUY TCRV TOKENS NOW Binance Coin’s Price Outlook After Recent Fall Binance Coin has been on a downward trend since it reached its all-time high of $686.31 on May 10, 2021. As of June 9, 2023, BNB is trading at $260.17. In the past 30 days, Binance Coin decreased in value by 16.5%, and in the last week alone, its value saw a dip of 15.4%; it is clear that XRP is falling into the red zone. Some of the factors that have contributed to Binance Coin's recent downward trend include the broader sell-off of the crypto market, regulatory scrutiny, the SEC suing the Binance exchange, and the overall pessimism investors have towards its future. As the cryptocurrency market continues to mature, however, Binance is well-positioned to benefit from increased demand for its products and services, but at this point in time, Binance Coin is still a tough altcoin to buy as it's decreased significantly. Binance Coin is not the only cryptocurrency to dip, as so did OKB. OKB Enters the Red Zone OKB, the utility token behind the global cryptocurrency exchange OKX, has also fallen in regard to its value. As of June 9, 2023, OKB trades at $45.01. In the last week, it has been down 2.3%. OKB is far down from its all-time high point of value, where on February 18, 2023, it reached $58.66. This downward trend is an indication that investors are moving away from centralized exchanges and looking at decentralized alternatives, and OKB's performance will affect their perception of the future of the OKX exchange as well. Tradecurve’s Price Surges By 50% TCRV is the utility token behind the Tradecurve platform, it has seen an exponential level of growth, beating out many CEX-related tokens by showcasing a growth of 50%. This can be attributed to the vast level of utility TCRV brings to the Tradecurve hybrid exchange. Token holders are able to get discounts on trading fees, and users are able to use their tokens to get discounts on subscription fees for signal and AI trading bots. Users can stake their tokens to get access to passive income, and the funds will also be used to provide liquidity to the exchange. Token holders can also access exclusive rewards and bonuses on their trading account and can even use the tokens to level up their account to various VIP statuses, which will provide them with benefits. Tradecurve does not require KYC, and users need to deposit crypto that will be used as collateral to trade cryptocurrencies and any other derivative. During Stage 3, one TCRV token is worth $0.015, and a jump of 100x in value is expected by analysts when the project launches. Get more data about Tradecurve at the following links: Click Here For Website Click Here To Buy TCRV Presale Tokens Follow Us Twitter Join Our Community on Telegram Disclaimer: This is a sponsored press release and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

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