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Crypto Daily 2023-06-27 18:25:34

Disney (DIS) Is Now Available for Trading on LBank Exchange

Road Town, BVI, June 27th, 2023, Chainwire LBank Exchange, a global digital asset trading platform, listed Disney (DIS) on June 27, 2023. For all users of LBank Exchange, the DIS/USDT trading pair is now officially available for trading. Disney (DIS) is a meme token issued by the relevant communities of blockchain, cryptocurrency, and mining. Introducing Disney LBank Exchange is thrilled to announce the upcoming listing of Disney (DIS), a meme token that was initiated by Miningtw Technology Co., Ltd., a collaborative team based in Hong Kong and Taiwan. This token was issued by various communities involved in blockchain, cryptocurrency, and mining. The token is intended for use in various capacities such as interactive activities, event rewards, gifts, charitable endeavors, and aspirational purposes. With an economic model in which 50% of its circulating supply is committed to pledge mining for a period exceeding 5 years, users are rewarded proportionately per second based on the total amount of their pledges. The goal is to create a value that is worth holding and collecting over the long term. However, it's worth noting that DIS has no association with Walt Disney and their similar names are purely coincidental. Despite sharing a similar name, they operate in distinct domains and scopes, with the meme tokens existing purely for the sake of amusement and enjoyment. DIS token is a meme cryptocurrency, created with the intention of fostering fun and innovation. It is committed to building a democratic, transparent, and equitable community grounded on blockchain technology. The token was conceived by DaddyPig, a Hong Kong native who immigrated to Taiwan in search of democratic freedoms. In collaboration with Taiwan, DaddyPig established Miningtw Technology Co., Ltd. Starting off as a cryptocurrency miner, the company branched out to construct large mining facilities, dedicating itself to the development of several blockchain projects. These projects include the creation of a decentralized exchange (DEX) and several other blockchain ecosystem initiatives. DaddyPig has actively participated in blockchain development endeavors, such as Ethereum's PoS fork, the maintenance of EthereumFair (ETHF) under a PoW consensus mechanism, and the fork of DogeCoin from the Scrypt algorithm to the ETHASH algorithm, resulting in DogeW. Upholding the principle of decentralization, DaddyPig has invested significant resources in anticipation of the potential and future prospects of Web3. About DIS Token Based on BEP-20, DIS has a total supply of 100 million (i.e. 100,000,000). In a move to incentivize DIS token holders, a five-year liquidity mining program has been launched, dedicating 50 million tokens, or half of the total issuance, to the staking mining reward pool. Approximately 27,397 DIS tokens will be distributed daily, or around 0.317 DIS per second, based on the total number of staked tokens. Additionally, 10% of the total DIS issuance, which equates to 10 million DIS tokens, will be locked for staking over a five-year span, with economic model and deflation mechanism, please refer to the white paper for details. It was listed on LBank Exchange at 9:00 UTC on June 27, 2023, investors who are interested in DIS can easily buy and sell it on LBank Exchange now. The listing of DIS token on LBank Exchange will undoubtedly help it further expand its business and draw more attention in the market. Learn More about DIS Token: Official Website: https://distoken.xyz/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/distoken_xyz Telegram: https://t.me/miningtwxyz Contract: https://bscscan.com/token/0xe2ecc66e14efa96e9c55945f79564f468882d24c About LBank LBank is one of the top crypto exchanges, established in 2015. It offers specialized financial derivatives, expert asset management services, and safe crypto trading to its users. The platform holds over 9 million users from more than 210 regions across the world. LBank is a cutting-edge growing platform that ensures the integrity of users' funds and aims to contribute to the global adoption of cryptocurrencies. Start Trading Now: lbank.com Community & Social Media: Telegram l Twitter l Facebook l LinkedIn l Instagram l YouTube Press contact: press@lbank.info Business Contact: LBK Blockchain Co. Limited business@lbank.info ContactLBK Blockchain Co. Limitedmarketing@lbank.info

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