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Cryptoknowmics 2022-01-11 12:30:24

Animoca Brands’ Lympo NFT Platform Hacked for $18M

Sports non-fungible token (NFT) platform and Animoca Brands subsidiary Lympo confirmed that hackers stole 165 million LMT tokens worth $18.7 million from one of its hot wallets. According to a Medium post that announced the breach of security, the team shared that 10 different project wallets were compromised in the attack. It appears that most of the stolen tokens were sent to a single unidentified address, swapped for Ether (ETH) on Uniswap and SushiSwap. #Lympo provides an update on the $LMT token slippage and hacking that occurred on January 10th at approximately 12:32 pm UTC. We're working on stabilizing the situation and resuming all operations back to normal.https://t.co/i07w5zoOwW@animocabrands — Lympo.io – Crypto Community (@Lympo_io) January 10, 2022 Following the hack, LMT lost 92 percent of its value, dropping to $0.0093 before recovering some of its losses. The team stated that it was ‘working on stabilizing the situation and resuming all operations back to normal.’ They even removed LMT from liquidity pools to minimize disruption of its token prices. By removing liquidity from pools, traders will be unable to buy or sell any significant amount of the tokens so that they don’t have to face severe losses. Important: We are investigating the incident and how we can make up for it for our community. At this point, we recommend not buying or selling additional LMT tokens. Thank you for your patience and understanding ...

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