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NewsBTC 2022-03-16 10:20:41

SocialGood: e-Shopping for Crypto-back

Today it is common for retailers to offer cash-back as a marketing strategy to attract online shoppers. Working with merchants and implementing a variety of techniques, cash-back companies give competitive rewards for retail transactions to incentivize more spending. Among those merchants is the SocialGood App who currently has 1.85 million users around the world. THE SOCIALGOOD APP Currently the SocialGood App holds the highest reward rates of any crypto back service worldwide. SocialGood makes it easy to earn crypto rewards from your usual shopping, so you can get more free cryptocurrency gains. SocialGood is a blockchain initiative that aims to rebuild capitalism as we know it by creating a donation machine that combines blockchain and artificial intelligence. The app can be downloaded on Google Play for Android and Apple Store for iPhones, and by using it, users could receive up to 100% of their purchase back in crypto. This will be reflected within a few days after SocialGood has received confirmation of your purchase from any of its affiliated shops. It’s as easy as 1,2,3! One, download the app. Two, shop from your favorite stores through the app. Three, earn up to 100% back in crypto rewards. It’s like shopping for free. In addition, you get a $30 sign up bonus if you join now. EARN CRYPTO BACK THROUGH THE APP Buy what you like with FIAT currency: The first step for users is to choose the FIAT payment method they prefer...

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