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NewsBTC 2022-04-19 07:46:26

SocialGood Is Good for Business

Businesses and brands are regularly looking for ways to improve their bottom line and increase sales. An increase in sales and “basket size”, is often achieved by not only getting new customers but retaining the existing ones too. When looking at the way businesses and brands are trying to achieve this, we regularly see the following: Loyalty programmes, online stores that allow for 24/7 sales, and of course jumping on to various social media channels, whether they are relevant or can even be managed – you name it businesses and brands are trying it. There is a clear level of FOMO (fear of missing out) in the businesses and brands’ actions, and a sense of “well what if we are not on it, and lose customers?” in the thinking of all involved. It is through this FOMO that SocialGood (SG) can leverage these businesses and brands into becoming retail partners. As a social platform SG is able to offer the following: – Giving businesses and brands access to new markets (existing SG users) that they may have not tapped into yet – As of January 2022, more than 1.85 million users have joined the app since its launch of the app in September 2020. – They take the store’s online presence and help it grow through their members and advertising and marketing activities. Both of these lead potentials can increase the bottom line and drive sales – In addition, by partnering with SG businesses and brands become activ...

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