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NewsBTC 2022-09-20 13:59:39

Sagaverse: Allowing Creators and Fans to Co-create and Co-monetize

It has never been easier to create — and this is reflected in 50 million creators trying to earn a living from their work — but the majority are struggling as only 2% of creators are earning income above minimum wages. What all creators have are their own superfans that create content. Yes, that’s right – The flip side of being a creator is what makes a creator in the first place: Their fans. Today, fan content already outnumbers original content. There are 75 million fans creating derivative works and fan art, creating a whopping 7.5 billion fan content consisting of images, videos, live streams, and comments. However, most generated content is trapped in dead ends. This content is ‘forgotten’, remains unmonetized, and is not used as a distribution driver. That is a massive missed opportunity. This is true for video, where even though video accounts for over 85% of internet traffic, video is still constrained to linear passive broadcasts and distribution models that lock out many creators and their fans. The Sagaverse project’s founders spoke to content creators and communities to identify the best solutions to solve these problems. What’s needed now, is the ability to unleash new forms of video experiences, while fairly compensating for fandom, community, and participation. Let us show you how Sagaverse empowers ownership, attribution, and lifetime passive income. Key Points of Sagaverse Sagaverse, an engine and protoc...

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