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NewsBTC 2021-12-28 06:49:16

SocialGood: Shop Until You Airdrop

Someone once justified their shopping with this quote – “I am not a shopaholic, I’m helping the economy”. While this may have been a great justification at the time, it was not entirely true, but now it’s possible with the SocialGood (SG), to shop until you drop, while supporting others. In a recent article, it was mentioned how SocialGood (SG) is working along with merchants to implement a “crypto-back” of up to 100% when customers make use of the SocialGood app, by simply shopping at over 1,800 large partner stores – such as eBay, Nike, AliExpress, Booking.com, Shopee, Lazada, etc. In an average of a month or so users can receive up to $10,000 crypto-back per purchase from doing their everyday shopping. The crypto they receive is known as SocialGood (SG) and can be up to 100% of the purchase price – the crypto will reflect in the app within a few days after confirmation of purchase from the shop. How SocialGood rewards its users The SG token is a crypto asset aimed at making society better. It works in such a way that the more users increase, the more asset value increases. It has also been granted a number of patents, including ones for its business concept and a technique for accumulating crypto assets through credit cards and smartphone payments. As a result, SG is considered a coin with a rare value. Since assets are provided at zero cost, all users will certainly profit, which in return means that user...

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